What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is controlled exercise in warm water. It is more intensive that normal exercise and significantly reduces the stress of joints while allowing muscles to develop. It is a well-recognised form of rehabilitation to support and improve recovery from injury or surgery.
A 10-minute swim in the pool has been equated to a 10-mile walk, although this is hard to quantify, a dog swimming uses many more muscles due to the increased resistance. Dogs that previous struggle to exercise can do so weightlessly in the supportive warm water.
What’s it used for?
Hydrotherapy is indicated in the following conditions;
- Arthritis management
- Intervertebral disk disease (back and neck problems)
- Cruciate injuries/repairs
- Patella luxation/repairs
- Hip and elbow dysplasia
- Neurological conditions
- Muscle wastage
- Maintaining mobility and fitness in older dogs
- Soft tissue injuries (ligament damage)
How does it help?
The benefits of hydrotherapy are;
- Increased circulation of blood to the muscles / increased tissue healing
- Relief of pain, swelling & stiffness
- Increased range of movement and mobility
- Muscle strengthening
- Cardiovascular fitness
- Improve water confidence
- Enrichment
The session
We try to make the whole experience as relaxing and enjoyable for your dog as possible. we are all experienced, caring handlers, who use forms of motivations including toys, treats and verbal encouragement.
All dogs are fitted with either a buoyancy jacket or a control harness when in the pool and treadmill. There is always a hydrotherapist in the pool or treadmill with your dog. The therapist will be using techniques to encourage optimal movement of limbs for that particular conditions.
Dogs must have veterinary consent before we treat them. Ask your vet to download the form and fill in the required sections and send it to us when you book.
The first session will include a full assessment so therefore will take up to 1 hour. We will carry out a full consultation and discuss the condition, medication, current exercise, etc to get a full understanding of the condition.
We will take time to familiarise your dog to the surroundings, the time in the pool in this session may only be short. The aim is to increase the time in the pool by each session. The session price is the same, however much time is spent in the pool or treadmill.
Find out more about our pool and treadmill <click here
First Appointment £59 (initial assessment and first hydro session) 1 hour appointment. This includes;
- Clinical examination
- Digital stance analyser reading
- Measurements, photographs, videos
- Gait analysis
- Vet report sent to your vet
Clinical hydrotherapy session £43 (successive) 30-35 minute appointment
Fun or Fitness hydrotherapy session £38 – 30 minute appointment (no clinical conditions)
Pet Insurance
Many Pet insurance companies now pay for hydrotherapy and laser treatment under the heading of ‘complimentary treatment’. We do not accept direct insurance claims. It is the owners responsibility to pay Operation K9 first and then we will help you reimburse the fees. Please contact your insurance company to check your level of cover
Terms and Conditions
Please click here to read our Hydrotherapy Terms and Conditions